Taking the Plunge: Sean Casey's Leap into Golf Entrepreneurship

Season #1

Welcome to another episode of Daring Dreams: Heart & Strategy in Small Business Marketing. In this episode, Hayley Bohan sits down with Sean Casey, a seasoned entrepreneur and Professional Golf Association of Canada coach, who shares his journey of building BurlOak Indoor Golf—an innovative, full-service golf facility catering to golfers year-round.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Power of Taking the Plunge: Sean emphasizes the importance of committing fully to your vision, even when the path is uncertain. His journey from concept to opening Burloak Indoor Golf highlights the need for perseverance and adaptability.
  2. Navigating Challenges: Learn how Sean overcame the hurdles of COVID-19 shutdowns and the unexpected closure of his previous academy, leading to the birth of a new business that not only survived but thrived.
  3. Creating a Premium Experience: Discover the thought process behind creating a high-end golf facility, from selecting the right location to designing an unforgettable customer experience. Sean’s focus on quality—from the technology used to the ambiance—sets Burloak apart in a competitive market.
  4. Balancing Work and Life: Sean opens up about the challenges of maintaining work-life balance while running a demanding business. He shares practical advice on stress management and the importance of staying passionate about your work.

Resources & Links:

Burloak Indoor Golf – Check out Sean’s golf facility in Burlington, Ontario.

HeartMath – A tool mentioned by Sean for managing stress through mindfulness and heart rate variability.

Getting Started- Check out the Marketing On Purpose Academy and set the foundation for consistent and more predictable revenue. 

Feeling inspired to turn your passion into a thriving business? Tune in to hear Sean’s journey and take the first step towards making your dream a reality.