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15 Marketing Trends for Small Businesses in 2024

Jun 17, 2024

Trends come and go, but some can significantly impact your business if implemented correctly. Before diving in and trying all the trends, remember to set up a solid strategic foundation. Check out my blog on Octopus Marketing, and consider building a solid buyer persona first.

Let’s also take a moment to ditch some outdated trends from 2022-2023:

  1. Overly Polished Content: Consumers crave authenticity.
  2. Facebook-Only Strategies: Diversify to other platforms.
  3. Ignoring Email Marketing: It’s still very much alive and evolving.

Now, let’s dive into the new and continuing marketing trends for 2024!

Summary List of Marketing Trends for 2024

  1. AI-Generated Content
  2. Ephemeral Content on Multiple Platforms
  3. Trendjacking on Social Media
  4. User-Generated Content (UGC)
  5. Short-Form Video Content
  6. Podcasting and Audio Content
  7. Live Streaming
  8. Interactive Content
  9. Mobile Apps for Engagement
  10. Growing an Online Community
  11. Sustainability and Social Responsibility
  12. Transparency and Data Practices
  13. Authenticity in Marketing
  14. Purpose-Driven Brands
  15. Brand Storytelling 

1. AI-Generated Content

One of the lastest marketing trends that's transforming the small business landscape – AI-generated content. AI tools can create high-quality content swiftly, saving time and ensuring consistent output. Imagine having an assistant that drafts your blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters while you focus on strategy and creativity. Leverage AI tools like ChatGPT to draft content, brainstorm ideas, and even personalize customer interactions. This allows you to maintain a consistent content schedule without burning out.

Learn how to get your ChatGPT to sound like you in this blog.


  • 49% of businesses are already using AI for content creation (HubSpot)​ (HubSpot Blog)​.
  • AI can save up to 50% of writing and editing time, allowing you to focus more on strategic planning and less on the nitty-gritty details (Content Marketing Institute)​ (HubSpot Blog)​​ (DemandSage)​.

Marketing Trend Status: Extra hot in 2024.

Why It’s Trending: AI technology is leveling up, making it easier than ever for small businesses to crank out content without breaking a sweat. The ability to generate content efficiently and maintain high quality is a game-changer, especially for businesses looking to scale their marketing efforts.

By embracing AI-generated content, you're not just keeping up with the latest trend; you're setting your business up for a more productive and creative future. So, let AI take on some of the heavy lifting for you.

Small Business Pro Tip: To get good at making the content sound more like you, check out “ChatGPT: The Ultimate Tool for Authentic Digital Marketing”

2. Ephemeral Content on Multiple Platforms

Let's dive into ephemeral content, the kind that keeps your audience on their toes. These are the stories and posts that disappear after 24 hours, creating urgency and exclusivity. Share daily specials, behind-the-scenes footage, and limited-time offers through Instagram and Facebook Stories. It's a great way to keep your audience coming back for more.


  • Daily Users: Over 500 million people use Instagram Stories daily (Instagram)​ (ClickUp)​.
  • Engagement Boost: 62% of people become more interested in a brand after seeing it in Stories (Facebook)​ (​.

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing digital marketing trend from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: Blink and you’ll miss it! Ephemeral content keeps your audience coming back for more. This format's fleeting nature drives higher engagement as followers don't want to miss out on what’s next.

Small Business Pro Tip: Build trust by committing to consistency with your stories. And use all the stickers for engagement and reach!

3. Trendjacking on Social Media

Trendjacking involves using trending topics, events, or memes to connect with your audience. Monitor current trends and incorporate them into your content strategy.


  • Trendjacking can significantly increase brand visibility and engagement (Wix).
  • Brands that effectively trendjack see a 50% increase in social media engagement (Social Media Examiner).

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing digital marketing trend from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: Jump on the bandwagon! Using current trends helps your brand stay fresh and relatable.

Small Business Pro Tip: Only jump on the bandwagon if it is authentic to your brand. Stay on-brand is more important than any trend!

4. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Content created by your customers or followers that showcases their experience with your product. Encourage customers to share their experiences on social media and highlight this content on your own channels. This digital marketing trend will help you increase awareness and sales!


  • 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions (Stackla).
  • UGC is 85% more influential than content created by brands directly (Bazaarvoice).

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: Let your customers do the talking! UGC is like word-of-mouth marketing on steroids.

Small Business Pro Tip: Don’t assume your customers will just do this, be creative and come up with a way to make it fun and relevant for them to share.

5. Short-Form Video Content

Quick, engaging videos capture attention and convey messages effectively. Create short, impactful videos to showcase products, provide tips, or share customer testimonials.


  • Short-form video content has the highest ROI among social media strategies (HubSpot).
  • 67% of social media marketers plan to invest more in short-form video in 2024 (HubSpot).

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: Quick and catchy, short-form videos are the perfect snack-sized content for today’s fast-paced world.

Small Business Pro Tip: Batch create content- meaning record multiple videos in one session, they edit them in another and schedule them in another. It will make life a lot easier.

6. Podcasting and Audio Content

Podcasts provide an intimate way to reach and engage audiences. Start a podcast related to your industry to establish authority and engage with your audience.


  • 47% of people in the U.S. (ages 12 and up) listened to a podcast in the last month, up from 42% in 2023​ (The Podcast Host)​.
  • Podcast ad revenue is expected to hit $4 billion by the end of 2024, demonstrating a robust growth trajectory​ (DemandSage)​.
  • 69% of podcast listeners report being introduced to new products through podcast advertisements, and over 50% are more likely to purchase after hearing an ad on a podcast​ (Wired Clip)​.

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: Podcasts are the new talk radio! They offer a unique way to engage your audience in-depth, no screen required. Plus, the growing number of listeners and the increasing effectiveness of podcast ads make this a valuable trend for small businesses to tap into.

Small Business Pro Tip: This is a hefty amount of work. Make sure it aligns with your goals before jumping in. And if it does, expect it to be a lot of fun. I know I love it. Subscribe to my marketing podcast called Daring Dreams: Heart & Strategy in Small Business Marketing for your weekly dose of marketing strategy, stories and inspiration.

7. Live Streaming

Live streaming is still a rockstar in the marketing world, letting you engage with your audience in real time. It's like having a live concert where your customers are the VIPs. Host live Q&A sessions, product launches, and behind-the-scenes tours. Think of it as your brand's own reality TV show, but way cooler.


  • 80% of people prefer watching live streams over reading a blog, and live videos on Facebook get 3x more engagement than pre-recorded ones​ (JW Player)​​ (Stream Hatchet)​.
  • The global live streaming market hit $1.49 billion in 2023 and is set to rocket to $3.21 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 21.2%​ (Uscreen)​​ (DemandSage)​.
  • 67% of the audience say video quality is key when watching a live stream, and 35% of marketers use live videos to promote their products, a figure that's climbing by 20% every year​ (DemandSage)​​ (Stream Hatchet)​.

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: Live streaming is like inviting your audience to hang out with you in real time. It's immediate, personal, and super engaging. Plus, with the market booming and viewer engagement soaring, it’s a must-have tool in your marketing toolbox.

Small Business Pro Tip: Make sure you audiences and customers know when they can catch you live and engage with your audience… that’s what makes live so fun!

8. Interactive Content

Interactive content like quizzes and polls engages users actively work so well as a digital marketing strategy. Create interactive quizzes to help customers find the best products or solutions for their needs.


  • Interactive content generates twice the amount of conversions compared to passive content (Demand Metric).
  • 81% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs attention more effectively (Content Marketing Institute).

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: Get your audience involved! Interactive content makes your brand more engaging and memorable.

Small Business Pro Tip: Make sure the quiz is a complete strategy, not just a whim. What happens after the quiz is just as important as the quiz itself. Check out my quiz on how to match your personality with your brand purpose.

9. Mobile Apps for Engagement

Mobile apps have become essential tools for customer engagement, loyalty, and sales. With everyone glued to their phones, having an app is like having a direct line to your customers’ pockets. They offer direct interaction and personalized experiences, making them invaluable for small businesses. Develop an app to offer exclusive deals, manage loyalty programs, and provide customer support. This can significantly enhance customer experience and retention.


  • The mobile app economy reached $533 billion in 2023, with consumer spending and app downloads hitting new highs. This trend is expected to continue growing into 2024​ (​​ (Udonis Mobile Marketing Agency)​.
  • Users spend 90% of their mobile time on apps, highlighting the importance of mobile apps in daily digital interactions​ (BuildFire)​.
  • In-app consumer spending is projected to grow significantly, with direct consumer monetization in social apps expected to increase by 150% to $1.3 billion in 2024​ (​​ (Udonis Mobile Marketing Agency)​.

Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: With the mobile app market showing robust growth and users spending significant time on apps, having a dedicated mobile app is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance customer engagement and drive sales. The trend towards mobile apps isn't new, but it continues to expand, making a strong consideration for most small business's marketing strategy.

Small Business Pro Tip: Come up with the idea first, validate it, then find a solution to build it. Pay attention to details and make sure this tactic brings you closer to your goals. (Get help with this course.)

10. Growing an Online Community

Online communities are the digital campfires where people gather to share stories, ideas, and marshmallows (okay, maybe not marshmallows, but you get the idea). They foster valuable connections between brands and their customers, enhancing engagement and loyalty. Share quality content, host fun webinars, and create forums where your customers can chat with each other and with you. Think of it as creating a cozy corner of the internet where everyone knows your name (and loves your products).


  • Online community engagement saw a whopping 81% increase during the COVID-19 pandemic, and people are still loving the connection it brings​ in 2024 (Mighty Networks)​.
  • 82% of community site visitors welcome brands that participate actively, and 88% of community professionals say that communities play a critical role in their company’s mission​ (Mighty Networks)​ .

Marketing Trend Status: Still going strong!

Why It’s Trending: In an age where authentic connections are gold, online communities offer a platform for brands to engage deeply with their audience. This isn't just about chatting; it's about building relationships that translate to loyalty and advocacy. Plus, who doesn't love getting real-time feedback from people who genuinely care about your brand?

By fostering these digital campfires, you’re not just keeping warm; you’re building a strong, engaged, and loyal community. So, grab your s’mores kit and let’s keep this community-building going strong into 2024 and beyond!

Small Business Pro Tip: Create a culture of contribution so you don’t have to be the only one there holding the marshmallows.

11. Sustainability and Social Responsibility

It’s time to shine a light on one of the hottest trends that's not just a passing fad but a movement that's here to stay – sustainability and social responsibility. Let’s dive into how you can show your customers that you care about more than just profits.

Consumers today are all about brands that walk the walk when it comes to sustainability. They want to support companies that are making a real difference in the world. Highlight your sustainable practices and community involvement. Whether it’s using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, or supporting local charities, let your audience know how you’re making a positive impact.


  • Willing to Pay More: 66% of consumers are willing to spend more on a product from a sustainable brand (Nielsen).
  • Millennial Expectations: 81% of millennials expect companies to make public declarations of their corporate citizenship (Forbes).

Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years. Because saving the planet is always in style

Why It’s Trending: As environmental consciousness grows, consumers are looking for brands that reflect their values. They want to know that their purchases are making a difference, not just filling a corporate bank account. Aligning with these values can help build a loyal customer base that supports your brand because it stands for something meaningful.

Small Business Pro Tip: Get out there and show the world your green thumb! Whether it’s through eco-friendly packaging, carbon offset programs, or community clean-up events, let your customers see that you’re as committed to the planet as they are. Because in 2024, sustainability isn’t just a trend – it’s a way of life.

12. Transparency and Data Practices

In a world where honesty is the best policy, showing your cards can win you loyal fans. Today’s consumers demand transparency in all areas of business, from product ingredients to data privacy practices. They want to know what’s in their products and how their data is being handled. Share detailed information about your product ingredients, business operations, and data privacy practices. Make your transparency policies a prominent part of your marketing to build trust and loyalty.


  • 94% of consumers are likely to be loyal to a brand that offers complete transparency (Label Insight)​ (​​ (BBB)​.
  • 86% of Americans say transparency from businesses is more important than ever (Sprout Social)​ (BBB)​.
  • 84% of consumers are more loyal to brands with strong data privacy practices (Cisco)​ (BBB)​.
  • Transparent data practices can increase consumer trust by 60% (Deloitte)​ (BBB)​.

Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years.

Why It’s Trending: With growing concerns over data privacy and a strong desire for honesty in business practices, transparency has become a key differentiator for brands. Consumers appreciate knowing exactly what they're buying and how their data is being used, which fosters trust and loyalty.

Small Business Pro Tip: Let your customers see what you’re all about! Whether it’s clear labeling, honest marketing, or transparent data policies, showing your customers that you’ve got nothing to hide will keep them coming back for more. In 2024, transparency isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have.

13. Authenticity in Marketing

Now for one of the most crucial trends for 2024 – authenticity in marketing. Consumers are tired of overly polished, insincere marketing messages. They crave real, genuine interactions with brands that reflect honesty and transparency. Share real stories, behind-the-scenes content, and user-generated content that showcases the human side of your business. Authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's a way to build lasting relationships with your customers.


Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years. Thank goodness!

Why It’s Trending: Authenticity resonates deeply with consumers who are tired of artificial, overly curated content. By being real and transparent, brands can foster deeper connections, build trust, and encourage loyalty.

Small Business Pro Tip: Show off those behind-the-scenes bloopers, share your brand’s journey, and let your customers see the real people behind the products. And, build your brand so it is authentic and inspiring! Learn how in my book: Brand-Worth-Loving: How to Build an Authentic Small-Business Brand that Inspires.

14. Purpose-Driven Brands

Brands with a clear purpose beyond profit resonate more deeply with consumers. It’s about showing that your business contributes to society in meaningful ways. Clearly communicate your brand’s purpose and how it contributes to society. Share your mission, values, and the positive impact you’re making. This not only attracts customers but also builds a loyal community around your brand.


  • Customer Loyalty: 79% of consumers are more loyal to purpose-driven brands (Porter Novelli)​ (3BL Media)​​ (Sustainable Brands)​.
  • Growth Rate: Purpose-driven brands grow at twice the rate of other brands (Kantar)​ (Business of Story)​.

Marketing Trend Status: Continuing and increasing in popularity from previous years. (Yeehaw!)

Why It’s Trending: Purpose-driven branding aligns with consumer values, creating strong emotional connections and loyalty. Consumers today want to support brands that are making a difference, not just making money. By showcasing your brand’s purpose, you connect with customers on a deeper level, fostering loyalty and long-term engagement.

So, let’s make the world a better place, one purpose-driven action at a time! Whether it’s supporting local communities, championing sustainability, or advocating for social causes, let your purpose shine through in all your marketing efforts.

Small Business Pro Tip: Choose a brand purpose that lights you up, and know that as your business grows so does your impact. This is actually my speciality for help, check out my courses and programs. 

15. Brand Storytelling

Alright, storytellers, it’s time to spin some yarn! Storytelling isn’t just about fairy tales; it’s a powerful tool to make your brand relatable and memorable. Storytelling helps create a compelling narrative around your brand, making it more relatable and memorable. It’s about sharing your values, mission, and customer successes in a way that resonates with your audience. Whether it’s a tale of humble beginnings, a mission-driven journey, or customer triumphs, make sure your story is authentic and engaging.


  • Storytelling can increase brand recall by up to 22 times more than facts alone (Stanford University)​ (Brandfolder)​.
  • 55% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they feel emotionally connected to (Capgemini)​ (Brandfolder)​.

Marketing Trend Status: From the earliest of times, this has always been a trend… so does that make it not a trend at all? (hmmmm). Still do it! LOL

Why It’s Trending: Storytelling creates emotional connections with consumers, making brands more memorable and engaging. In a crowded market, a good story can help your brand stand out and forge a deeper bond with your audience.

Small Business Pro Tip: One of my favourite types of brand stories is the Founder’s Story (or Spark Story as I like to call it). Learn how to figure out yours in my book, Brand-Worth-Loving.

And there you have it…

 And there you have it – the top 15 marketing trends for small businesses in 2024! Remember, while it’s exciting to dive into these trends, don’t just hop on them without a plan. The key to successful marketing is having a solid strategy in place. That’s where my ACRE Growth System course comes in. It will help you build a comprehensive marketing plan, allowing you to make calculated decisions on which trends are worth your time and resources. Check it out and ensure you’re setting your business up for sustainable success. Here's to a thriving 2024 and beyond!

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